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From Tiverton, RI 02878


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Slag glass lamp replacement panel

Bent glass lamp panelsSlag glass replacement panels are custom made in my studio to best match your 100 year old glass. slag glass lamp replacement panel Slag glass replacement panels are available flat or custom bent to match your existing glass size and profile. While some people feel they can find a matching panel on Ebay or at an antique shop, the odds are near impossible.  The picture to the left shows how I send clients pictures of their slag glass lamp shade on top of the glass I will use before starting their restoration project. I inventory hundreds of rare discontinued colors, textures and glass in various densities.  Even the picture above shows four basic caramel colors that are all different.  Again MY job is to best match the exiting glass.

Perfect slag glass panelsBENT slag glass lamp replacement panels for curved glass lamps –Slag glass lamp panels

I seldom accept work if sending a panel to copy.  To get a perfect fit I require bent glass lamp shades to be shipped to me.   Below are just a few reasons.

  • BENT glass lamp panels were hand made which meant not every panel fit in every spot.  Often original panels had to be modified to fit
  • Metal frames are often bent out of shape when glass is damaged
  • Clients may not have the skills or tools to remove and install replacement panels
  • Tabs are often missing, off center or starting to fall off
  • Some tab styles offers no forgiveness
  • Original bent glass panels may be bent in two directions
  • Original glass panels are touching offering no safe float space
  • Brass U channel is wrapped around the bent glass panels
  • *Often all the original panels are slightly off (picture above)

      While other glass repair companies may not like spending 2 hours unboxing and re boxing shades. I don’t mind it and don’t charge extra. Sending me the bent glass shade ensures you will not have installation issues or the risk of breaking the glass if installing it yourself. It’s just not worth the risk to save a few dollars on shipping. I’m here to perform quality work for clients that want the best restoration work.

FLAT slag glass lamp replacement panels for slag glass lamps- Slag glass lamp panels
 Flat slag glass replacement panels are easier to remove and install.  In most cases I do not require FLAT slag glass shades to be shipped.  But I do require an original panel to be sent to me.  I’m unable to work off an email description size, a paper drawing or a traced paper pattern.  From the original flat slag glass panel you send me I will have a chance to identify the color, texture, and density of the glass.  I can also use it to make a perfect flat copy size – 1/16″.
slag glass lamp shade repair
Send your slag glass lamp panel repair pictures to:

Questions please call me at 401-314-6005 (12-6ESTime) non Text#

I can best help you after you email pictures
To complete your quote for restoration if you include the following.
1. Pictures of both the inside and outside of the lamp.
2. The dimensions Length x Height.
3. The number of broken pieces.
4. Metal issues or glass issues I may not see in the pictures.

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