Professional lighting restoration
Professional lighting restoration companies are not hard to find. In fact most fire and smoke restoration companies offer lighting restoration services. Even flood restoration companies have a hand in lighting restoration. I’m not sure what their take on the process is other than finding someone like myself to do the lighting restoration for them then marking it up for their clients. I’m very familiar with the insurance claim process for all types of accidents and disasters. At the end of the day clients are left with a claim and expected to sort out the lighting repairs on their own. Finding a professional lighting restoration person on your own with the internet can be easy. Many glass studios offer a wide range of options from fusing, jewelry, windows, lamps and churches. But I would suggest finding a person that only does lighting restoration.
I believe working directly with a professional lighting restoration person becomes personal. Your interest in my skills is conducted on a first name bases. Communication and trust are very important in my work. I’m going to listen to your needs and expectations before we move forward. If I’m able to help you I would then express my concerns and direction to help you. If I’m unable to help you I would always offer some suggestions that may help with your lighting repair needs.
Like everyone I to dream of relaxing on a sunny beach during the winter. Its never happened but I still think about it. I do advise a lot of clients at the start of December to hold off on shipping which gives me a slower relaxing period before the holidays. It also avoids UPS damages during their peak volume.
This year on December 5th I received a direct request from a resort in Florida that had damages caused by hurricane Ian. By dealing directly with the inn and not a flood or smoke restoration company. I was able consult over the phone and listen to their needs. Basically the inn was focused on having a re opening on December 15th. That’s right only 10 days away. My first thought was I will not be able to relax during the holidays. The 10 day time frame was not a problem but would require the inn to expedite two original panels overnight. I would then send them pictures of the glass best matching their two panels for two different 1900’s slag glass lamps. Via next day UPS air on Monday the two panels arrived and I emailed pictures of the glass used for the lighting restoration.
An hour later my client at the Inn called expressing the color was perfect
BUT they will require an additional 11 panels. Can you do it?…… Did I mention communication was important in my work? With my workbench having a lamp in progress, I said yes with some concerns. I would have to fire glass night and day for the next 4 days. They would need to have the panels sent back overnight and would need someone ready to install them. Four days later the glass panels were completed boxed and shipped on Thursday. The 13 panels plus the 2 originals arrived back at the inn the next day in Florida. Over that weekend the inn had someone perform the installation which went smoothly without a hitch.
I’m not able to help everyone but I certainly try my best. I also understand every client has restrictions and limits with type of lighting restoration I perform. The inn represents a client that obviously wanted the work completed with what ever it will take to succeed. It was both a challenge and a pleasure to help them. Maybe a place I will visit some slow winter day.