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Slag glass worth saving?

Slag glass is worth more than you think but it depends on how you value things

     My work obviously involves the repair and restoration of slag glass antique lighting.  Clients are often concerned with what their slag glass lamp is worth before the cost of restoration.  Almost always the situation is less than the cost of repair.  Many estimates of what slag glass is worth ends with the cost of boxing and shipping. Which has nothing to do with my workmanship.  Communication and trust are important in my work and I can only express ultimately how they value their slag glass worth is up to them.

     Based on many of my clients testimonials and stories about their slag glass lamp.  The true value of what slag glass is worth has more to do with personal values, respect and how clients view their slag glass lamp.   Just by owning a genuine slag glass lamp your fortunate because they are becoming rare.   Review the story below then ask yourself what is your slag glass lamp worth to you.  Check out the testimonial page for more stories.

The value of a slag glass lamp – By Laura

     Bradley and Hubbard LampThe value of something is a deeply personal thing:  whether something’s sentimental value is greater than its intrinsic value depends upon the person, and what they hold as meaningful – such as an old table lamp.

     Twenty-seven years ago, my husband purchased an extraordinary slag glass table lamp as a surprise for me:  I’d returned to post-secondary school in my mid-30s, completing a two year program at a local technology institute, had obtained a new job and been sent to Ottawa, Ontario for five weeks of training.  The lamp was to be a “congratulations and welcome home” gift.
     When I arrived home and first saw the lamp, I couldn’t believe how lovely it was – and how sweet and thoughtful it was for my husband to have found and purchased it as he did.  (He’s a quiet fellow, a gentle man and a gentleman both – very unassuming and introspective, not someone who normally enjoys poking about shops.)
     The lamp was incredible in terms of its design, size (very large, very weighty), workmanship, and beauty; it was quite unlike anything I’d ever seen. We set the lamp on our dining room table, a place it could be safely seen and enjoyed each day.  Just to see it there was a reminder of why it’d been bought, and for 25 years it sat in quiet beauty.

     Bradley and Hubbard Lamp“Last year, however, problems arose.  It was a year of extreme, unseasonable heat and for many, many days, temperatures outside were over 100 degrees; the main floor of our old house consistently registered an uncomfortable 96 degrees.  We noticed that the lamp had literally begun to fall apart in the heat:  the decorative metal strips/caming between the slag glass panels was separating, pulling apart; the metal ring at the top of the lamp had pulled away entirely from the glass panels and the lamp was noticeably sagging.”

     While part of the lamp’s issues may have been age-related, we felt the extreme ambient temperatures were a major factor in precipitating the lamp’s metal failure.  At this point, we had a choice:  we could either discard the lamp as beyond fixing, or choose to have it repaired.  For us, the answer was simple….
     After searching the Net and researching several websites specializing in antique lamp repair, we chose Mr. Daley to do the work. We contacted him, sent him photographs of the lamp and he offered an initial quote for repair, detailing what he felt needed addressing and how he would proceed; as well, Mr. Daley provided  instructions on how to safely pack and ship the lamp.  Preparing the lamp for shipment was expensive in and of itself as it required taping, double-boxing, packing material, shipping costs and insurance – around $220 USD.  The repair was initially estimated at $925 USD.  Add to that the Canadian taxes to be paid on the repair cost once the lamp made its way back to us, the US-Canadian dollar exchange rate, and the total cost was now around $1,500 CDN – not an insignificant expenditure.  Still, for us, there could be no question about having the work done:  the lamp’s personal meaning to us overrode anything else.
     When Len received and examined our lamp, there were several more deficiencies found.  Some, he felt, were worth addressing and others were more optional/cosmetic, such as replacing a chipped glass panel with a close-but-not-exact color match.  He felt the chip was minor, did not affect the structure of the panel and ultimately, was best left alone.  We trusted his professional judgement, knowledge, and skill and appreciated his honesty.  Again, because the lamp’s value to us lay in the “why” of how it came into our home, we agreed to the revised repair cost – which we felt both reasonable and necessary.       As he worked, Mr. Daley provided excellent updates on the progress of the repair.  The turn-around time was quick; the lamp was sent back to us and when we opened the packaging, we were amazed at the work Len had done:  the lamp looked beautiful beyond words – better than when it was first bought, and now made to last another 100 years.
     We moved recently, and the lamp once again has pride of Bradley and Hubbard LampSlag glass curved lamp glass panelsplace in our new home.  It’s a testament to the quality and also artistry of Mr. Daley, and we are extremely grateful that we found him.
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